Mental Health. Part 2 | Damie John

Слайд2What to do if you are in depression. Stress. Exinanition. My advice is to involve your body in your life. We don’t use our body enough as it used to do our ancestors. If you are professional sportsmen or your job involves motion performance, probability of this problems drops. Because your body does desired labor. So what to do? If you don’t go in for sports so begin to do it. Pick something you like to do because it’s important to enjoy it doesn’t have to be something that kills you. It has to be something that brings pleasure. Something that after that you feel gladness and pleasant weariness. Not gym. Something more playful, football, tennis, golf. Maybe you enjoy ride bicycle so make a rule. Say to yourself “I ride 5 miles every day”. If you don’t get tired increase the load. Don’t forget you have to involve your body in your life. And in one or two weeks you will change internally and externally. You will get something for what to live and you will know how to adjust your problems. And your body will change because now it labors.

It’s very important even if you don’t have any problems. Don’t forget about your body. Your mental health has direct correlation with your physical health. And vice versa.

And here is one more thing you have to know. You are in the best physical shape now. You are in the best physical shape now. You can use it like mantra or an affirmation. I am in the best physical shape now. I am in the best physical shape now. Because if you think you are not good enough it doesn’t say about your physical health it says about your mental health. You can’t keep healthy of your mentality if you think you’re too obese. Or you’re too short or too tall or something else. Or if you are disabled and you focus on your problem. Don’t do it. Remember: you are in the best physical shape already now. Today! You have to love yourself and you have to love your body. If you love your body with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your ability to love. Then you body will live with you and for you but not against.

Your body is part of you. This is your tool to connect to the world. When we’re growing up people say to us to respect other people. But do they usually say to us to respect ourselves? Not often. Or maybe never. We accustomed to train our brain in school, in college, in university. But do we do the same to our body? Not every time. But we cannot be healthy of our mentality if we are not healthy of our body. And we cannot be healthy of our body if we are not healthy of our mentality. These are strongly connected components and one of them is not able to live without the other. So your mental health comes with your physical health.

Let’s one more time remember the definition. “Mental health includes “subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, competence, autonomy, intergenerational dependence, and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others”. I was telling earlier about self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others.

But how to reach well-being? It’s a good question. Absence of well-being is the place where depression comes from. A man with depressed mood usually think that external circumstances dropped him into this state. But nothing and nobody can drop us into a state as long as we don’t want to get into that state. Because we can chose our reaction – our response to a person, a thing or circumstance. And well-being is nothing more then the choice to be in wellness or in something else.

Perceived self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the SELF-efficacy not someone else’s-efficacy!First of all look at yourself. And ask yourself: do I really want to raise my efficiency? Ok if so. How can I do it? How can I raise my efficiency? And your mind will tell you lots of tools you can use to raise your efficiency. Just write them down. And begin to test all of those tools one by one and select the best of them. It will help you to improve your self-efficacy. And by the way this tool that I just gave you that’s named “Ask yourself” is very useful. Because no one better then you knows what to do. Your body and your mind are always ready to help you. Just ask them. Ask them straight. Without your brain. As if you ask your depth. Something more than your surface thoughts.

Competence. I think you should Ask yourself at what level of competence I am now? There are 4 levels of competence. Unconscious incompetence, Conscious incompetence, Conscious competence, Unconscious competence. And then ask do I need improve my competence or maybe it does automatically. Or maybe I don’t want to do it anymore. And if your answer is yes I want to improve. So at this moment it is your goal. Just go and do it.

And two last autonomy and intergenerational dependence. What’s the difference between two these things? Autonomy usually internal state. And intergenerational dependence is the external circumstance. To be autonomous you have to know how to make the decision and how to take responsibility. Usually it comes to people with ages and with life experience. For intergenerational independence you have to change your physical location. Move to the other house, street, city. There’s no the other way to get this independence. And by the way this step speaks for itself about your mental health. Just set this goal and do it.

And getting this intergenerational independence will influence on your self-actualization, autonomy, competence, self-efficacy and well-being.

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