Definition Of Spirituality

kaboompics.com_ReedOften people think spirituality is something strange or dangerous or non existent. Why? Because they did not study it. A lot of people constitute themselves religious but not spiritual. The other people deny everything. But they think so, because they have never study anything about spirituality and spiritual growth.

For the beginning we have to figure out why some people believe in it. and the other people don’t. Actually it goes to us from our childhood. Our childhood and our environment of that time made us exactly this way as we are now. For example if you were born in Catholic family more than likely you will be a Catholic all your life. Or if your parents or older brothers or sisters loved football, or sport cars, or music, or something else you will at least identify yourself with it all your life.

It is also true of spirituality. If someone have never heard of spirituality and then suddenly someone else said to him about it he will say “oh come on! That’s bullshit. I’ve never heard about it. You gotta be kidding me”.

Simply put our view world is created up to 7 years old. Before this age we are able to embed anything. Setting the stage has to be until we’re seven years old. And after that we can study everything but it’s going to be inside of the frame of our world.

In other words we do the groundwork (our view world) before we turn seven. And after seven we build the house (our knowledges) right on this foundation, this groundwork. And if we meet something that is out this base we deny to believe it. It has to be hard to recognize it for us. Because it is out of our frame. That’s why people don’t believe it.

They don’t believe it not just because they don’t see it but because it’s out of their view world. Now everyone has a cell phone. Does anybody see the signal that the phone gives and receives. I don’t know anybody who does. But we believe that the signal is though no one sees it. And can you image what would people think of you one hundred years ago if you were explaining them that it’s possible.

I’m talking to you all of this because I want to give a definition to you.

The spirituality is the quality of mentality. It means everybody has their own quality but the level of quality defines the scope of mentality.

Thе better quality is thе bigger scope of mentality is.

This quality allow people think the other way and appraise events the other way. We know that there is the event by itself and our response to event. And response to event is defined by our quality of mentality.

Simple example. I have a cat. One time, several years ago, the guests came to me and they played to the cat and said to me “He is so clean and fluffy. Very nice cat.” And one week later the other guest came and she paid attention to the cat. She said “why is the cat so dirty?” I said “no it’s not”. But I thought to myself why different  people think different way of one cat. Because nothing changed to him since last week. But the cat looked different to them.

So there is emptiness between the event and our response to the event. And this emptiness we fill by our mentality. We judge everything around us. And our response is our spirituality.

I believe the best quality of mentality is the spirituality. Because mentality is our nature. It’s our entity. It is something that defines us. Who you really are? You are your mentality.

And I believe spirituality is the best quality. Why? Let’s remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

First: Physiological needs. You must know somebody whose physiological needs is his most important thing. His goal is to satisfy his physiological needs. So his quality of mentality is on this level.

Then safety needs. All what they think about is their personal, financial or health security. These people must be professionals of their work and they need to be successful. Because their quality of mentality – thier view world says to them “Only your money can protect you”.

Love and belonging. People with this quality of mentality are convinced that the most important thing in life is family and friends. And these people define successful people from their family lives and networking skills.

Esteem. Esteem means people need to be esteemed by society. This quality of mentality means people work at something and they need to be esteemed. It may be anyone who has enough ambitions need to be esteemed by society.

And self-actualization. It may seems like there’s no big difference between esteem and self-actualization but there is. Because previous point doesn’t sound like self-esteem. It’s just esteem. Because people at that level of quality focus on estimation themselves by somebody else. And self-actualization focused on itself. People with this quality of mentality are focused on their own life. And their own mentality. Actualization means who you actually are? Who Am I in the actual fact? This is self-actualization.

One more subject I want to talk to you about is “Spiritual but not religious”. Or “Spiritually Independent”.

People ask me what’s the difference between religion and spirituality? And I say – and what is similar? Because as I said spirituality is the quality of mentality. So what is religious? Religious is culture. Culture of beingness. This is system of values. Religious is system of beliefs. This is lifestyle.

There is nothing similar between two these concepts. Unfortunately religious largely has externals. In opposite of it spirituality largely has internals.

I like the idea about spiritual independence. Because I know a lot of people who identify themselves as spiritual independent people. Because very often religion is forced choice from our parents or somebody who we were depends on in our childhood. Spiritual independence is something we can choose when we are ready to choose it. Spiritual independence is the state of mind of a person that shapes in mind and then goes out and a person defines it as spiritual independence.

And I remember when I was about seventeen years old and once I talked to my friends about religion I used to figured out how strong religious they were. And I understood where it came from. I was raised in the place where people are not very tolerant and if you are disagree with them to some fundamental things like religion they used to dispute it. So when I came up to my understanding of my spiritual independence I didn’t really talk to people about it too much.

So what is spirituality exactly? I would say it is knowledge of soul. Knowledge of soul within body. And our sixth sense is the sense that goes from our soul.

I highlight spirituality because it is THE single thing that will stay with us after our physical death. Not even stay with us. It will be exactly who we are. It is our soul. And spirituality is that area of life that improves our soul. For what we live? To improve our soul. But for what exactly you live only you know exactly!

And we live in the physical world and we live in our physical bodies and this is why we meet challenges in our lives. We have to do something to grow. We have to keep growing no matter what happens to us. We have our bodies and this is the key we can use to study ourselves. the key we can use to study the world around us. This is the key to grow. And spirituality is the art of love of our body.

We live in the physical world and all our life we’re looking at something, and looking for something. We live in the physical world where we can see the reality. We see the limits that say to us what is possible and what is not. We live in the physical world where all the time some miracles happen and they break our views down. We live in the physical world where all the time we meet somebody who can show or say to us the answer for our questions. We live in the physical world where people look at the bodies. We live in the physical world where bodies are not all what we have. We live in the physical world where everybody is so similar and so different at the same time. We live in the physical world where everybody is unique. And there’s nobody is the same. We live in the physical world where somebody says it is inpossible. But we know it is possible. And we are ready to do that. Because this physical world was given to us to understand we are able to extend the horizons of possibilities. Because We are more than our physical bodies. This what spirituality is about.

So your spirituality is your ability to heal yourself, your life. And self help is spirituality. Because you cannot help yourself if you’re not on the good level of quality of mentality. But just imagine what you can do being high minded. Being spiritual human being. What if you can achieve your goals very easily? What if you can make your dreams come true. What if you can be magnet for other people. What if you can be at peak performance. Remember what did you dream about when you were four of five years old. No matter how old you are now – you can do that.

So your spirituality is the ability to heal yourself. Because I believe spirituality is the best opportunity to live effectively and enjoy every minute of your life.